person laying on sand

photo of woman wearing black tank top

You will always be in a place where you’re still finding yourself no matter what age you are. When I entered my 30s, I felt that I was in a better place when it came to knowing what I wanted. Learning to not be a “people pleaser” will come easier. One thing you need to know is sometimes confrontation will happen so others will understand that they are not entitled to treat you however they feel. You have to love yourself enough to stand up for yourself. Just simply settling because of XYZ wasn’t okay to me. I wanted to feel fulfilled, good, I wanted to feel happy. It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you stop caring about everything. You just don’t care about what others think as much as you once did. This falls into the “stop being a people pleaser” category. If you want to wear that big sun hat, then you wear that big sun hat because it makes you happy girlfriend, if they don’t like your sun hat, that sounds like a “them” problem not a “you” problem. Welcome to your 30s!

The #1 statement I would give to others would be to “listen to your gut!” I can’t tell you how many times I ignored my gut feeling and regretted it. The older you get the better the “listen to your gut” action will be. Being wise about a decision will bring you inner peace, in other words if your state of mind is clear, you will okay and not in jail. Pick your battles wisely. Making harder choices will become easier.

Jasmine Flournoy – December 15 2023

colorful bokeh lights